Rayyan Nafees


( Creator of PyScript framework )
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Full Stack Web Developer

Proficient in Ui/Ux & many Frontend techs.

Skilled in React.js, Angular.js & the like

Expertise in Flask & Django Backends

Experienced in NodeJS & ExpressJS

Database manager using SQL servers

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Fast Service

I prefer giving the project its optimum required time. To produce the best product without wasting your time.

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Addictive Ux

What makes a client impressed by your website? My websites possess amazing user interactive Ui, making them addicted to the creative experience.

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Performant Webapps

My websapps not only look awesome. The functionality is highly performant (the part i mostly focus on). With regular updates and integration.

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Need More?

As a hobbyist, I develop native mobile applications with kivy & ReactNative(iOS/android). Though, not being a jack-of-all-trades, I focus mostly on web.

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Thanks to , we are constantly working to improve the Python language features.

That's not all !

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